
Want To Learn The Best Calisthenics Workout Routine?


Finding the very best calisthenics workout routine can be both easy and challenging. There is a ton of information out there. Just trying to make sense of it all can be a grueling task.

The purpose of this article is to sift through all the B.S. and get to the nit and gritty of it all.

I will attempt to make sense of it all by listing what I believe are some of the best workout routines out there.

Hannibal for King

Hannibal for King is credited with inspiring some of the top elite calisthenics, bodyweight exercise and street workout athletes of our time such as Frank Medrano, Meckanimal, and many more.  He pretty much was leading the pack in terms of the calisthenics craze. His videos have been seen by millions around the world.

His beginning routine consists of two parts.

Routine 1

  • 5 Reps – Close grip over hand pull ups (Hannibal suggests this close grip because it sculpts the body better. (No kicking, no swinging)
  • 5 Reps – Dips
  • 10 Reps – Diamond push ups stacked legs, switching legs every set, leaning as much as you can over the diamond.

Do many as sets of this as you can do. “You have to crawl before you walk”

Hannibal suggests to stick to the first routine for at least 6 months to a year. He prefers doing everything with a close hand grip because of the way it sculpts his body. He says lock out on all the workouts which means perform full range of motion.

Routine 1 Video: Level: Beginner-Intermediate (Time: 5:41 min)

Routine 2

  • 5 Reps – Close grip over hand pull ups, aim to get your waist to the bar (No kicking, no swinging)
  • 5 Reps – Leaning Dips (Airplanes), he suggests lean as much forward as possible, this will help with anyone working towards planche dips.
  • 10 Reps – Diamond push ups with one leg in the air, switching legs every set, leaning as much as you can over the diamond.

Routine 2 Video: Level: Beginner-Intermediate (Time: 6:46 min)

Al Kavadlo

Al Kavadlo, CSCS is one of the world’s leading experts in bodyweight strength training and calisthenics. The author of three books, including Raising The Bar: The Definitive Guide to Pull-up Bar Calisthenics and Pushing The Limits! – Total Body Strength With No Equipment, Kavadlo is also known for his work in the popular Convict Conditioning book series. When I think of Calisthenics or Bodyweight training, I always somehow come back to Al. He makes things just so easy and simple to understand.

Beginner Calisthenics – 5 X 5 Routine

  • 5 Australian Pull Ups
  • 5 Lying Knee Tucks
  • 5 Split Squats (Right)
  • 5 Split Squats (Left)
  • 5 Push Ups

Beginner Calisthenics – 5 X 5 Routine Video: Level: Beginner-Intermediate (Time: 1:29 min)

Hit RichardsCalisthenics Kingz

Hit Richards and his organization Calisthenics Kings, is an organization of professional performance-based fitness training gurus who promote fitness through natural body weight exercises. Hit is pretty well known around the world for his all inspiring videos viewed by millions.

Beginner Calisthenics

  • 6 reps – Assisted pull ups with a band – 3 Sets
  • 6 reps  – Negatives (Pull ups) – 3 Sets
  • 6 reps – Assisted resistance band dips – 3 Sets or 6 reps -Alternative assisted dips – 3 Sets
  • 6-8 reps – Knee push ups – 3 Sets

Do this program 3-4 times per week for a minimum of 1 month.

Beginner Calisthenics Video: Level: Beginner-Intermediate (Time: 3:43 min)

In conclusion, I have featured three of the world’s premiere calisthenics experts and their beginner routines.

We all have to start somewhere.

Probably the hardest part is just taking that first step.

Working out, especially when it comes to calisthenics, like any area in life requires discipline, persistence, patience, commitment, and consistency.

Good luck with your training.

All the best.

About Bronson Tang